Our Services

Pet Anesthesia Veterinary Service in Lexington, SC

We use the most advanced equipment to monitor our patients’ vital signs, and administer the safest veterinary anesthetic possible.


Pet Anesthesia

Safety is always our top priority with any anesthesia. We provide the safest veterinary anesthesia available, use the latest technology to monitor our patients’ vital signs, and train our staff in the most current techniques. Throughout the process, we monitor heart rhythm, oxygen levels, carbon dioxide levels, body temperature, blood pressure, and more.

​Ask About Pain Management

  • Ask our veterinarians these questions about your pet’s medical situation:
  • Tell me about your approach to pain management.
  • Is pain a necessary part of my pet’s aging process?
  • What therapies do you offer for pain relief?
  • Will you give my pet pain medication before, during, and after surgery?
  • Will you send home pain medication for my pet?
  • Are there things I can do at home to keep my pet comfortable?

Contact our hospital with any questions about addressing pet pain.